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Turkish friends visit the factory

Release Time:2024-03-21
In March 2024, spring was in full bloom, two friends from Turkey travelled a long way to China to visit our factory in China. They tried our self-propelled scissor lifts and crawler scissor lifts and highly affirmed our products.

The arrival of these two Turkish friends added a different kind of buzz and vigour to our factory. They brought an atmosphere of friendship and co-operation across the border, which made us feel the unique charm of cultural exchange.

During the factory visit, the two friends showed great interest in our self-propelled scissor lifts and crawler scissor lifts. They carefully observed the working principle and performance characteristics of each piece of equipment, and also experienced the operation of the equipment themselves. Through personal experience, they fully affirmed the flexibility, stability and efficiency of these lifts.

In addition to the excellent performance of the products themselves, the two Turkish friends also appreciated our R&D team and production process. They spoke highly of our efforts in technological innovation and quality control, and considered our factory a leader in the industry.

During the exchange and interaction, we not only shared our industrial technology and production experience, but also discussed in depth the cultural differences and commonalities between our two countries. Through this cross-cultural exchange, we deepened our mutual understanding, expanded our horizons, and laid a more solid foundation for future cooperation.

The visit of our Turkish friends not only makes us feel the warmth of friendship, but also inspires us to make continuous efforts to improve product quality and expand the international market. We believe that through continuous communication and cooperation, our factory will usher in a better tomorrow and contribute to the development of the world industrial field.

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of self-propelled scissor lift platforms, HENAN SINO LIFT is committed to providing customers with high-quality and high-performance industrial equipment. Over the years, we have adhered to technological innovation and product quality, earning the trust and support of our customers. We will continue to strive for excellence, providing customers with superior products and services, and promoting the development of self-propelled scissor lift platforms in the international market.

We can provide detailed information on the various models and specifications and help you select the platform that best suits your specific needs.

Website: www.cnsinolift.com